• Price Plans
  • Tri-area Data Plans(Shared version)
  • Local Data Plans
  • Unlimited Local Data Usage Plans
  • SmarTone Spot
  • 30 Days Prepaid Card
  • Pricing
  • Value Added Services
  • Price Plans
  • Roaming
  • Roaming Data Day Plan - Mobile Service
  • IDD
Value Added Services

Value Added Services

Value Added Services Charges
Local voice minute $0.32 / minute
Local SMS $0.25 / message
International SMS $0.50 per message for sending to Philippines
$1 per message for sending to other destinations
Miss call alert $5 / month
Call forwarding $0.32 / min (or fee calculation according to per-minute rate after value-added discount)
Voice mail $10 / month
Local MMS $1.5 (1-11KB)
$2 (11.1-30KB)
$3 (30.1KB or above)
International MMS $4.5 (1-11KB)
$5 (11.1-30KB)
$6 (30.1KB or above)